
Hoosier Salon New Harmony
2019 Class Workshop Description:

October 12, 2019
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

If you are wanting to plein air paint, but not sure how to go about it, this is the workshop for you! Douglas makes it very simple and is logical about the “how to” and overviews what to think about when setting out to paint. Douglas will overview his palette and concepts his work entails. Students will mix paints and learn to mix basic strings of color to help comprehend the preparation/set up to prepare to paint out-of-doors. Douglas will help students pare down equipment so only the necessities are taken out-of-doors. Students will work on small canvases and the emphasis will be on capturing the time of day, atmosphere and geographical elements as we paint something interesting in Historic New Harmony. This one day Plein Air Workshop will help you become more comfortable with the process of painting out-of-doors.

Douglas’ Biography
Douglas David has painted his way across the country, capturing the beauty and spirit of the things he loves - tranquil country landscapes, sunrises and sunsets on his favorite beaches, a simple pitcher of spring lilacs or peonies, a lemon, lime or a slice of watermelon on a checked tablecloth. Paintings that reflect comfort, warmth meaning and simplicity: similar to everything important to him - his close knit family, life-long friendships, creatively fulfilling work and giving his best. A recipient of numerous regional and national awards and honors, Douglas’ teaching is a way of giving back and sharing some of his journey with those who choose to study with him. For more detailed information, visit www.douglasdavid.com.

Class supply list:
(these are not absolute, just my way of getting to a good result)
mineral spirits
Oils - Utrecht (order from Dick Blick) Cad. Red Light, Aliz Crim., Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Ultram. Blue, Ultram. Violet, Lemon Yellow, Yellow Green, Green Earth Hue, Sap Green, Prussian Green, Yellow Ochre, Ivory Black, large tube of “Permalba” White
OPTIONAL Oils - Greenish Umber Mixture, Burnt Sienna, Jaune Brilliant No 2. Holbein Ivory White, Cad Medium and Cad Red Dark
Paper Towels
disposable palette pad
palette knife
brushes - filberts or flats - #2,4,6 maybe 8 or 10 or rounds in these sizes if you prefer rounds over filberts.
a few throw away bristle brushes from hardware store in 1" and 2-2.5" sizes
a 1-2" foam brush from hardware store
Canvases - 2-3 of your favorite size canvas or panel.
And anything else student needs to help them paint well and feel comfortable.

Please prime all canvas with a thin coat of thinned down Cad Red light and Permalba white to make a pink or light red tone on canvas.

Douglas has a “suitcase of supplies” he brings along, it includes some recommended books, and some supplies in case a few students need a few items that are forgotten.

Class Tentative Outline
Coffee/mix palette, review and pare down materials
Plein air painting

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