Southern Vermont Arts Center
2025 Class Description:
Douglas David
June 12-14, 2025
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
This three-day workshop combines plein air and studio painting on SVAC’s varied, magnificent 100-acre campus. Exploring the principles of oil painting in these beautiful settings can be a magical and restorative experience.
Before our first excursion, we will meet in the studio to mix paints, learning to create strings of color to use out-of-doors. Then we will go outside for demos, sketching and painting. We will spend the bulk of each morning painting outdoors, painting studies to bring back to the studio. For a small study that’s both beautiful in its own right and a great jumping-off point for a large painting, students will aim to capture time of day, atmosphere and topography quickly and concisely.
Large painting will be the focus of the studio portion of the workshop. In the afternoons, Douglas will demo his approach to pulling information and inspiration from a study. He will guide students to develop finished paintings that work on a larger scale.
Throughout the workshop, an emphasis on sound principles will benefit new and seasoned painters alike. Discussions will center on composition; massing; building form; indicating light and shadow; developing atmospheric distance; and knowing when a work is finished. Douglas tailors his individual reviews to the skill level of each student, so that everyone is able to grow at a comfortable rate. Plan to produce several studies and at least one or two larger, more finished paintings.
In case of weather issues, Douglas will provide photos to use indoors.
Please contact Erin for information about scholarships: or (802) 367-1306
Douglas’ Biography:
Douglas David has painted his way across the country, capturing the beauty and spirit of the things he loves - tranquil country landscapes, sunrises and sunsets on his favorite beaches, a simple pitcher of spring lilacs or peonies, a slice of watermelon on a checkered tablecloth. His paintings are beautiful, simple and timeless. After graduating with honors from Herron School of Art, Indiana University, Douglas went on to study for a number of years with Frank Mason, famed instructor from the Art Students League of New York and student of Frank Vincent DuMond. A recipient of numerous regional and national awards and honors, Douglas is a member of many art associations and clubs including Hoosier Salon, Naples Art Association, Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, Salmagundi Club and Southern Vermont Arts Center. Douglas’s teaching is a way of giving back and sharing some of his journey with those who choose to study with him. He loves to share insights into the DuMond Palette with his students and bases all of his teachings on classic principles. Douglas’s work has been chosen for many private and public collections, including the Vice President’s residence, the United States Embassy to Sierra Leone, and most recently, by request of Ambassador Donnelly, the United States Embassy to the Holy See (Vatican City). For more detailed information, visit
Class supply list:

Great News! Oil Painting Supply Kits are now available through the link below. Douglas used to offer kits in class, but demand was too great to keep up with, so this is the better way to get all the correct materials for the workshop!
You can click on the Blick link and order a kit in part or in its entirety, or assemble the supplies below.
(these are not absolute, just my way of getting to a good result)
01557-4043 Blick oil Yellow Ochre 40 ml
01557-3543 Blick oil Cad Red Hue 40 ml
01557-3063 Blick oil Crimson Alizarin 40 ml
01557-7133 Blick oil Terre Verte 40 ml
01557-7093 Blick oil Sap Green 40 ml
01557-2253 Blick oil Ivory Black 40 ml
01557-4753 Blick oil Yellow Green 40 ml
01557-4063 Blick oil Lemon Yellow 40 ml
01557-5163 Blick oil Phalo Blue 40 ml
01557-7803 Blick oil Phalo Green 40 ml
01557-5133 Blick oil Ultramarine Blue 40 ml
02121-7583 Utrecht oil Prussian Green 37 ml
00452-1004 Permalba oil White 150ml
01654-3322 Utrecht acrylic Cad Red Hue 59 ml
01654-1012 Utrecht acrylic Titanium White 59 ml
03117-1132 Palette Knife 132
03017-1002 Palette Cup
00445-2104 W&N Liquin 75ml
03092-2523 Richeson Palette Paper 9x12
06223-9118 Princeton Brush Set 9118
05160-1001 White Gesso Brush 1” Quantity 2
05160-1002 White Gesso Brush 2” Quantity 2
07412-1057 Canvas 5x7/Quantity 2
07135-2002 Canvas 8x10/Quantity 2
07135-2007 Canvas 10x20/Quantity 1
07135-2006 Canvas 12x16/Quantity 1
04724-1004 Disposable Gloves Large
00442-1005 Turpenoid 8 oz
03333-1006 Plastic Jar with lid 16 oz
And anything else student needs to help them paint well and feel comfortable.
Please prime all canvas with a thin coat of thinned down Cad Red light and Titanium White Acrylic to make a pink or light red salmon tone on canvas. (You can paint oil over acrylic but can’t paint acrylic over oil.)
Douglas has a “suitcase of supplies” he brings along, it includes some recommended books, and some supplies in case a few students need a few items that are forgotten.
Class Tentative Outline
Day 1
1st hour: Meet at SVAC for Welcome / Overview of Class.
2nd hour: Mix paint/set up palette.
3rd hour: Paint on location at SVAC.
Lunch: Brown bag lunch.
Afternoon: On location. At your own pace, paint some quick studies based on demonstration.
Each afternoon, we will return to the studio around 2:00 to review, discuss, and work on your paintings. This specific time will allow you to finish pieces, review your work, and outline your plans for the next day.
Day 2
Morning: On location at SVAC.
Lunch: Brown bag lunch.
Afternoon: On location at SVAC.
Each afternoon, we will return to the studio around 2:00 to review, discuss, and work on your paintings. This specific time will allow you to finish pieces, review your work, and outline your plans for the next day.
Day 3
Morning: On location at SVAC.
Lunch: Brown bag lunch.
Afternoon: On location.
Each afternoon, we will return to the studio around 2:00 to review, discuss, and work on your paintings. This specific time will allow you to finish pieces, review your work, and outline your plans for the next day.